Years ago, I was in a lecture in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Personal success. That was the
topic. One the things the speaker said was
that you need to pinpoint your weaknesses and then work on fixing them. So that
you can become “well-rounded.”
I started to wonder: “Should that really be my approach
to personal growth?”
Now, there’s something to the whole
“work on your weaknesses” idea.
Some things you need to fix. But on the whole…
Focusing on your weaknesses is a
waste of time. And energy. And opportunity. And happiness.
A better way: forget your
weaknesses. Do what you’re great at. Find other people to do what you’re weak
We try so much to achieve “balance.”
What we really need is more imbalance. To focus on the few things we do great…
and let the rest fall by the wayside.
Scientists at Gallup did lots of
research on this. Their conclusion: the most effective leaders focus on
developing strengths instead of fixing weaknesses (in themselves and in
Playing to your strengths…
MTTB allows you to do that.
It gives you the freedom to focus on
what you’re good at.
Maybe you’re not the greatest
salesperson in the world. MTTB backs you with an experienced salesforce. They
do the selling, and you still make big commissions ($1200, $3300, $5500).
Playing to strengths.
And if you are a sales guy or gal,
you also have the option of doing your own sales and doubling your commissions. Maybe you’re not a customer service
rep. MTTB does it for you.
All the perks of running your own
business, but without the hassle of having to do all those things you were
never were good at.
And if you can’t use any of your
strengths in MTTB…
…and you follow the steps…
…and you don’t make a commission in
30 days…
You get 10 times your money back.
It’s $49 to sign up for MTTB.
Stop trying to fix your weaknesses.
What are you great at?
Use it to make big commissions with
Go To My website: and subscribe to my newletter (it's free!) to receive updates on how to build YOUR STRENGTHSRemember: All Things Are Possible!!!
Susan Tuck
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