“It is a mistake to look too far ahead. Only one link of the chain of destiny can be handled at a time.”
Winston Churchill said that.
These days, everyone wants to be a “visionary.” Everyone wants to see a mile ahead and have grand visions about how things could be.
Though I’m not going to say that it’s bad to be a visionary…
There comes a point…
Where it pays to be shortsighted.
Why? Because when we’re always looking so far ahead, it’s easy to forget about the present. And when we forget about the present, we forget to live. To do things. To engage the world.
Of course, you can’t totally ignore the future. We need something in the distance to work towards.
What do you need to do now that will get you to the future you envision? Take action….do something productive, start now.
Go to my website, susantuck.com enter your email and begin seeing what you can do now to step towards the future you desire.
Susan Tuck
For Updates, Tips and Advise, Subscribe to my Free Newsletter at susantuck.com
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