Monday, August 31, 2015

The Dark Hole

What I found in a dark hole.
I still remember it.
One day, when I was a kid, I was wandering around in my backyard. I came across a hole in the ground. It was pretty big, and very dark.
Now, anything could live in a dark hole.


So part of me knew that it was a bad idea to stick my hand in it.
And yet…
It was there. Asking for my hand. And I couldn’t help myself.
So I jammed my hand in the hole.
RIGHT then, a zing of pain shot up my arm. And more pain. And more pain.
hornets nest1318479630470_fI jerked my hand back, fell down, and started bawling. Then I heard a “buzzing” sound. As I looked around me, I realized that I had stuck my hand in a big ‘ol hornets’ nest! 
They stung me over and over again. And it hurt. Like crazy.
And I learned a valuable lesson:
Always have a healthy fear of dark holes.
Because like I said: anything could live in a dark hole.
Also, dark holes don’t just exist in the dirt. They’re all over. A dark hole is any place you might go or thing you might do… where you don’t know what the consequences will be.
So before you take Mr. Charismatic up on his life-changing offer… and before you join Mrs. Successful in her once-in-a-lifetime opportunity…
Find out what the consequences might be. Or you might get stung.
That being said, it’s perfectly okay to take risks. Just know what you’re risking, so you can know whether the opportunity is worth the risk.
So if you don’t know what MTTB is about, don’t sign up for it!
In brief, it’s a 21-step system that teaches you how to start making big-ticket commissions online.
It pairs you with a coach, a sales team, and a community of fellow entrepreneurs.
But instead of taking my word for it, why not hear from normal people about their experience with MTTB? Do that here:
But if you have done your research…
And if MTTB is no longer a dark hole for you, and you know what you’re getting into…
What are you waiting for? Get started here:
All Things Are Possible,
Susan Tuck

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Was Winston Churchill Right?

“It is a mistake to look too far ahead. Only one link of the chain of destiny can be handled at a time.”
Winston Churchill said that.
These days, everyone wants to be a “visionary.” Everyone wants to see a mile ahead and have grand visions about how things could be.
Though I’m not going to say that it’s bad to be a visionary…
There comes a point…
Where it pays to be shortsighted.

Why? Because when we’re always looking so far ahead, it’s easy to forget about the present.  And when we forget about the present, we forget to live. To do things. To engage the world.

Of course, you can’t totally ignore the future. We need something in the distance to work towards.
Dog-w-GlassesBut there will never be anything more important than now.

What do you need to do now that will get you to the future you envision?  Take action….do something productive, start now.  

Go to my website, enter your email and begin seeing what you can do now to step towards the future you desire.

Remember:  All Things Are Possible
Susan Tuck 
For Updates, Tips and Advise, Subscribe to my Free Newsletter at

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Are You Waiting for "Someone Else"?

Have you heard the story of the woman who was assaulted in New York City many years ago? According to the story, she was badly beaten in a densely populated neighborhood. Many people claimed to have heard her screams.
But nobody did anything.
Nobody tried to help her. Nobody intervened.
After the story had circulated, many people believed it was proof that modern society is becoming an uncaring, unfeeling, every-person-for-themselves nightmare.
How could so many people hear her suffering and not do anything to help?
Well, as Robert Cialdini points out in his book Influence, it was not that nobody cared or felt for her. That wasn’t the problem.
The problem was that everyone thought SOMEONE ELSE would do something to help.
When an emergency happens in a crowded environment, everyone assumes that “Surely, someone will call for help.” “Surely, someone will dial 9-1-1.” “Surely, someone will intervene.”
And because everyone is thinking “Surely, someone…”
Nobody does.
Cialdini says that if you ever find yourself in a situation like that, you need to single out ONE individual. Point at them. Look them in the eye. Say their name if you know it. Tell them to get help.
Then that person will stop thinking “Surely, someone…” and begin thinking, “I’m the only one who can do this! I have to do it!”
And the same applies to reaching your financial goals.
If you’re thinking “Surely, someday…”
Nothing will ever happen.
Your dreams will keep screaming for help…and nothing will happen.
It has to be you.
It has to be now.
Someday never comes.
Check out my website now!!
Remember:  All Things Are Possible
FB Susan Tuck

Friday, August 28, 2015

Facing Our Fears

“What’s the smallest, tiniest thing that I can master and what’s the scariest thing I can do in front of the smallest number of people that can teach me how to dance with the fear?” Once we get good at that, we just realize that it’s not fatal. And that idea is what’s so key — because then you can do it a little bit more.”
–Seth Godin
Our fear usually tells us what we need to do most.
But many of us have gotten highly-skilled at avoiding and/or numbing that fear.
But the only way you achieve success is by facing a fear and breaking through to the next level.
Otherwise you stay exactly where you are for the rest of your life.
Scared and numb.
Or scared and dissatisfied.
Question 1: When is the last time you stared down a fear and broke through to another level in your life?
Question 2: What are you afraid of doing that you KNOW you must do to achieve online success?
Today, take Seth Godin’s advice and take the smallest, tiniest step you can in the direction of your fear.
Get started on something that scares you a little.

Remember:  All Things Are Possible

visit my website:

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Phishing Email and Facebook Pornography

Lesson 1:  I have heard of phishing before, but never got anything that looks this valid before. Wikipedia defines it as follows: “Phishing is the attempt to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details (and sometimes, indirectly, money), often for malicious reasons, by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.”
Well, I got my first truly tricky phishing email tonight. It appeared to come from GoDaddy…I sent it to my nephew, Andrew, who knows everything about computer stuff, thank goodness. Here is what he told me :
This is a phishing attack.  They list a URL in the e-mail that looks like it’s from Godaddy:
Inline image 1
But it lands you on a page that has absolutely nothing to do with the GoDaddy domain.  They design a page to look exactly like GoDaddy’s so that you type in your e-mail and password.  And when you do, they have your login information!
Inline image 2
Lesson 2:  Facebook.  I have had a personal facebook account for a very long time.  I have never had anyone that was able to post something on my home page before.  I started a new Facebook page for my business….over the last four weeks, I have had persons that would post pornography on my home page, not my feed page, but my own home page.  What a shock it was to go look at my page and see this.  I did delete the posts and the persons as friends and notified facebook.  Have been informed that the posts were taken off FB.  I don’t know how someone was able to post something that looked like it came from me, but lesson 2 was learned.  Always keep an eye on your social media and address these issues promptly.  If anyone has more feedback on this, I would appreciate it!!
That’s all for now, All Things Are Possible:

What Are You Great At?

Years ago, I was in a lecture in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Personal success. That was the topic.  One the things the speaker said was that you need to pinpoint your weaknesses and then work on fixing them. So that you can become “well-rounded.”
I started to wonder:  “Should that really be my approach to personal growth?”
Now, there’s something to the whole “work on your weaknesses” idea.
Some things you need to fix.  But on the whole…
Focusing on your weaknesses is a waste of time. And energy. And opportunity. And happiness.

A better way: forget your weaknesses. Do what you’re great at. Find other people to do what you’re weak at.
We try so much to achieve “balance.” What we really need is more imbalance. To focus on the few things we do great… and let the rest fall by the wayside.
Scientists at Gallup did lots of research on this. Their conclusion: the most effective leaders focus on developing strengths instead of fixing weaknesses (in themselves and in others).
Playing to your strengths…

MTTB allows you to do that.
It gives you the freedom to focus on what you’re good at.
Maybe you’re not the greatest salesperson in the world. MTTB backs you with an experienced salesforce. They do the selling, and you still make big commissions ($1200, $3300, $5500). Playing to strengths. 

And if you are a sales guy or gal, you also have the option of doing your own sales and doubling your commissions.  Maybe you’re not a customer service rep. MTTB does it for you.
All the perks of running your own business, but without the hassle of having to do all those things you were never were good at. 

And if you can’t use any of your strengths in MTTB…
…and you follow the steps…
…and you don’t make a commission in 30 days…
You get 10 times your money back. 

It’s $49 to sign up for MTTB.
Stop trying to fix your weaknesses. What are you great at?
Use it to make big commissions with MTTB.
Go To My website: and subscribe to my newletter (it's free!) to receive updates on how to build YOUR STRENGTHS

Remember:  All Things Are Possible!!!
Susan Tuck

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

SEO Research

Image result for SEOHey everyone, just a quick update:  I have been researching SEO..Search Engine Optimization.  I have installed the Jetpack plugin to my website,  It lets me track who comes to my page, how many click an ad and what search engine they came from.  Really nifty thing.  I also have Seobook installed which allows me to search words and phrases by the amount of searches that have been done on them.  According to Seobook, the most popular phrase for those looking to make money from home is:  Blogging make money...really high volume of traffic searches for this phrase.  So in theory, If I use these high traffic words in my title and first paragraph,  google will pick up on that and rank me with others who used same phrase. 

I continue to train...main lesson this week:  Be able to track everything!!!  You want to know which ads get sales and which ones don't.  Which sites and persons are seeking out the info you have.  With this information, you are able to make educated decisions on what is working, and what is not working!  Then you can fine tune your advertising and target your customers more precisely. 


Thank you to all my followers and Remember:
All Things Are Possible,

The Internet, Cats, and Your Wallet 
Have you ever been so bored at work that you turn to the Internet for entertainment? If you have, you have probably run across cats doing crazy things.
Cats destroying cities. Cats shooting lasers out of their eyes. Cats in space. There are more cat videos on the internet than you can imagine.
Do you see the irony?
While you are at work, where you are supposed to be making money, you use one of the greatest inventions of all time, the internet, to watch cats fly on magic carpets.
And don’t make any money.
Don’t worry, you are not alone. This month a festival in Minnesota that was solely based on watching cat videos drew in 13,000 people.

Matt Lloyd has a way for you to leave behind your job that bores you so much that you rather watch cats play the piano and use the Internet to make thousands every week.
Matt’s system is called MTTB and it is simple.
Long Payment Processing? Never. Long phone calls with customers? Nope. Matt and his team will close all sales for you.
The only phone calls you will be making will be with the mentor who Matt will set you up with to train you to master MTTB.
Which will only take you 30 minutes a day.
Then you can start using the Internet to make serious money. With MTTB you can make paychecks every week that you never dreamed of making at your old job. And that money is not going to your company or your boss. It’s going straight into your pocket.
Not convinced that this is a goldmine waiting to be tapped?
If you don’t make a commission within 30 days of finishing your training, you will get a check from Matt for $500! That’s 10 times the $49 you pay to join MTTB!

And when you join you will have the opportunity to quit wasting your time at a boring job. Because once you start making thousands every week, working for MTTB is going to be the most exciting thing you have ever done. If you are ready to quit wasting your time and the potential power of the Internet, go to my website: and click on the link.

Image result for cats imagesAll Things Are Possible, 
Susan Tuck

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Image result for Walt Disney  Image result for Steve Jobs

Image result for ed catmull“No one- not Walt (Disney), not Steve (Jobs), not the people of Pixar-ever achieved creative success by simply clinging to what used to work.”
That’s founder of Pixar, Ed Catmull, on trying new things.
In his book, Creativity Inc., Catmull talks about how important trying new things, even if it is uncomfortable, is.
He might be on to something. Pixar’s most recent film, Inside Out, has made over $330 million and counting. What he is saying is that if you want to leave behind your desk job, if you want to make thousands of dollars every week, if you want to quit living paycheck to paycheck, you have to be willing to try something new.
And Matt Lloyd has a system that will let you do all that and more! It’s called MTTB.  Matt’s system is simple. Matt shows you how drive traffic with ads you place on websites. Then Matt’s system takes over and does the rest…and you receive the sales commissions.
That’s it.
Forget about dealing with cranky customers or spending hours on the phone. Forget about closing sales. Forget about waiting for payment processing.
As a member of MTTB you will never spend hours on the phone with customers or closing sales. Matt’s in house sales team will close all deals for you. And there is no payment processing.
Matt will even set you up with a mentor who will teach you the MTTB system until you master it. A process that takes only 30 minutes a day!
Once you master the system, you will be set to make serious money.
If you are still clinging to what used to work, your old job, because you are afraid of losing money, it’s ok.
There has never been a better opportunity to make money in a new way. You can’t lose money. And you have the opportunity to make a fortune. If you are ready to join, go to my webpage:  click free video on sidebar.

All Things Are Possible, 
Susan Tuck

Monday, August 24, 2015

Navy Seals Motto

How To Make Everyday Easier

Image result for Navy SealsWhat if a simple philosophy allowed you to make thousands of dollars every week? If a short saying let you quit making money for your boss and start sending lots of money straight into your pocket? The Navy SEAL’s have exactly that.
The SEALS have a motto that describes their grit and determination. In fact, it’s not a saying. They call it a philosophy.
It’s, The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday.
Isn’t that true for you too?
Everyday you work a job that overworks you and underpays. Then the days you aren’t working are spent running errands and doing things that you don’t have time for while you are working. That’s if nothing goes wrong, and we all know, something always goes wrong.
Truly, The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday.
Depressing? Yes. Avoidable? Yes.
Matt Lloyd created a system that will help make every day easier! It’s called MTTB
Matt’s system is simple. You place ads that Matt will send you and receive the sales commissions.
You will never deal with difficult customers, long phone calls, or payment processing. All you do is place the ads and get paid.
Matt’s system is so simple that it will only take you 30 minutes a day to master. And you won’t be working alone. Matt will set you up with a mentor who will teach to the ins and outs of the MTTB system.
Matt’s system works too.
Matt used the MTTB system to earn himself $51,373,00 over 5 years! And he has sent out over $25 million to people just like you!
This is not a system that will lose your hard earned money. In fact, if you don’t make a commission within 30 days of completing your training you will get a check for $500!
That’s ten times the $49 you pay to join!
You can’t lose money if you work the MTTB system. You will only make money that can be used to make each day a little easier. This is your chance to leave behind a life where, The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday. If you are ready, go to my website: and click one of the links on the side. 

All Things Are Possible,
Susan Tuck

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Solo Ads Vs Blogging

Hey everyone…Update on Solo Ads….lots of clicks, I did small quantities, but to date, I have had over 389 unique clicks and 92 opt ins with emails.
I have used three different lists, targeting at home business and making money online.   Out of the 92 emails, only a handful were valid.  So even though I used three different providers, all saying they
  • have -tier one countries,90-100% of list
  • provided testimonials,
  • verified good list for internet marketers and
  • folks interested in making money online
(These are the criteria for getting a good list)
I have not seen any headway on getting to a good following.  I do have the MOBE Sales Team that is following up with the leads I have.  I have been told to be patient because results usually do not come immediately.  I have one more pending to go out next week. Will see how that goes and let you know.
My Google Plus fans have been great.  I have a good following.
Thank you Google Plus Circles.  
I got my Susan Tuck MTTB Facebook page up with about 200 followers so far, thanks everyone and adding more each day.  Am currently posting my blogs on the MTTB page and my personal page, Susan Tuck.  This way, they can come to my website and subscribe to my page.
I keep reviewing John Chow’s Blogger lessons in the Traffic Masters Academy and have been updating and optimizing my following Chows instruction.  I am currently working on getting a subscriber Block put on for people to subscribe and a pop up opt-in block for newcomers to my site.
I do believe I will continue to focus and improve on blogging.  Hope I have provided some good information..Remember: 

All Things Are Possible,