A Drop-Dead Simple Way to Generate Quick Business Ideas
if you could launch your own business within 24 hours? It’s not as hard
as you think, and here’s an easy guide to getting started.
Apply this method to any business.
method here in most instances won’t require any large capital
investment: you can start a business and make money with what you’ve
already got.
will work for you whether you’re currently employed and just looking to
earn some extra money, or you’re someone seeking to lay the groundwork
for your own full-time business, looking for a way to escape the typical
9-to-5.And while much is made today of earning a living (or even becoming a millionaire) online, not everybody is interested in or suited for an online-only business. So this method isn’t just for digital startups; use the method for any sort of business idea.
Take a personal inventory.
- Write out a list of your assets: what you own, the things you know about, your skills and abilities, who you know, and what you’re passionate about. You can create a separate section for each.
- Things you own might include items like your car, home, computer, etc.
- Things you know about might include: auto mechanics, English grammar, fashion, etc.
- Skills and abilities could include baking, problem solving, Internet research, etc. In this section, try to be as specific as possible.
- Who you know could include your family, friends, associates or other contacts.
- Things you’re passionate might include recycling, opera, and children. Passions may overlap with those things you know about or are skilled at, but don’t worry about it. Just write out your list.
Determine a need: What will people pay for?
Start small and test often.
Go with what’s worked already.
When figuring out a way to make money, go with a method that has already been proven to work. Compare the ideas on your list to what you already know is working in the world. Are there people or companies who already make money doing that? If so, that idea may be one that will likely work for you too.For instance, if you were going to start tutoring children in English, look around and see what other people are charging. Is it enough to make it worth your time? Do you have qualifications that would justify charging more?
Then, find out from potential customers you know if it’s something they need and want: “If I were to start tutoring children in English for $10 an hour, would you use that service for your kids?”
Most importantly, listen to their feedback. Maybe they don’t need a tutoring service because their child is already too busy. If so, perhaps you can think of a way to declutter their schedule (think about a car service that drives tutors to the student’s home, saving the student valuable time otherwise wasted on the commute).
And if you get stuck …
If you have trouble coming up with profitable ideas, it may come down to not having enough assets of one kind or another. You may need to widen your circle of contacts or increase your education or skills before you can make this technique work. With sufficient assets, you can more easily generate profitable ideas.This method is how countless businesses have been started (their founders may not even know they were using this technique). But what made these businesses successful was not merely coming up with a profitable idea, but making the commitment to see it through.
So go out there, don’t stop trying and execute.
For information on starting your own business Click Here.
All Things Are Possible,
Susan Tuck
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