The DOW Jones and Your Online Success
The DOW Jones and Your Online Success
I was listening to NPR the other day. It’s the National Public Radio in the US.In case you missed it, the US stock markets were quite volatile last week. WAAAY down one day, WAAAY up the next.
And on the day when everything was down, the US media was crying and wailing and blaming China’s markets for the crashing US “DOW Jones Industrial Average.”
Then the next day when everything was up, the same media was rejoicing and wondering at the miraculous turnaround.
And a stock market expert on NPR was explaining why it’s all crap.
All the crying over one day and rejoicing over the next. All the blaming of China for daily US market fluctuations. All the concern of daily movements in the “DOW”.
The markets are far too complex to figure out why they move one direction or another on any given day. Or week. Or month.
No one, not even any computer, is that smart.
Ask anyone who really knows the markets and they’ll tell you the same thing.
Playing the market from day to day is a fool’s game.
Believing the “DOW” has much to do with the overall health of the US economy is a fool’s game.
Believing China’s markets effect US markets on a DAILY basis is a fool’s game.
Only long-term changes matter…and the US market has doubled in the last 5 years. Will it double in the next? Who knows? But if LONG term history is to be believed, it will do just fine for the next 5, 10, 15, 20, and even 30 years.
What does this have to do with your online success?
Just this. When you’re looking to start a business, don’t look at some new-fangled, flavor of the month system that’s been getting results for a few months.
Those results mean nothing.
In the last 5 years, hundreds if not thousands of “systems” like that have soared and the crashed and burned.
In 5 years, Matt Lloyd has paid out over $25 million in commissions to MTTB and MOBE affiliates.
In five years the company has grown exponentially. Matt expects to pass the 9 figure mark in sales this year.
Over $100,000,000.00
That’s a long-term track record you can bank on. No other system can boast such a long and impressive record.
It’s a record you can trust.
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All Things Are Possible,
Susan Tuck
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